Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Freebie: Memory Verse Certificates

I’m a certified k-12 teacher, but I’m not currently teaching this year. That however will never stop me from being ever ready for the day I get my own classroom again.

Next fall I will again be teaching Sunday school and I’m going to do some things a little different from this year. I only taught half the year as I had our baby in February!

This package contains the certificates of achievement I will be handing out in class. Students will be tested on:
The Lord’s Prayer
The Apostles Creed
The ten Commandments
John 3:16

I also have one for a student who wants a challenge:
The books of the Bible

I will be meeting with our minister for a list of verses he would like the kids to know, and I will be adding to that some of my favourites. For these I have created a generic certificate.

I will be tracking how many awards the students receive, but I’m not yet sure how, or what recognition I’ll give students who memorize more.

Hope you enjoy my certificates!

Click on any image for the free file.

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Monday, May 7, 2012

Freebie: Smiley theme rewards

It's been a busy week around here, our baby got baptised!

But I still want to share a freebie as part of Monday Madness at Classroom freebies.

My first year teaching, my classroom theme matched my maiden name, so my classroom was filled with Smiley faces.

As part of my classroom management system, I awarded positive behaviour with coupons, and daily I pulled one of these coupons out of a bag for a prize from my stash.

I was influenced by a long forgotten post somewhere online. If you know where, let me know, and I'll credit them.

Anywhere, without ado, my classroom management coupons (click on image):

Have something you'd like me to blog about, or are interested in guest blogging? Please comment below.

Want to find awesome resources for your Early Childhood Education classroom? Visit Reading With Mrs. D on Teachers Pay Teachers.
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